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An ethos on the rise - Glamping taps into a simple life

Growing demand and a wider conversation

Although some considered it a passing fad when it appeared in the travel lexicon almost a decade ago, glamping is still going strong, with around 60.5k google searches per month (in 2023). We’ve been extending our reach in the press and on social media to continue putting ourselves at the centre of this conversation.

In 2023, our PR team have delivered 168 pieces of media coverage, work over £2 million in advertising spend and creating 1.6 million opportunities to see, hear, or read about Canopy & Stars. You can see some of the places we’ve been featured on our press page.

Our social media platforms are lively forums where like-minded people come to share their outdoor experiences and see what we have to offer. As of November 2023 we have over 362k Instagram followers, 181k Facebook followers and 21.6k followers on TikTok. Our newsletters reach 156,000 people and we have a programme of communications designed to make the most of seasonal opportunities and promote all types of space and the geographical regions in our collection.

Where demand is coming from

In everything we do, we consider how to both serve and expand our demographics. It can also help you, when considering alterations or additions to your site, to understand who your guests are. Here are the highlights of our guest studies and surveys:

  • While Canopy & Stars guests are an even mix of men and women, 79% of the people who actually book and are the main decision-maker, are female
  • The majority of our guests (64%) are between 26 and 45 years of age
  • Slightly more couples (57%) than families (34%) stay at our places
  • Income bracket: Tend to earn £40k+ and loyal customers tend to earn £50k+. Our guests have a relatively high disposable income
  • Location: City skew - London, Bristol and increasing audience in the North: Birmingham and Manchester
  • They mostly read the Times, Guardian and Telegraph and have a high propensity to shop at Waitrose, Toast, farmers markets and independent shops

Looking for experiences not things

In a backlash against modern digital saturation, there’s a growing lifestyle trend for people doing things that enhance their lives rather than buying gadgets, clothes or other possessions. This is something we’ve always been very passionate about. Our gift cards capture this spirit perfectly, serving as the ideal gift for a special birthday or a club together gift card for weddings/honeymoons.