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Peanut butter powerballs

A simple recipe for Canopy & Stars (we didn’t invent them but they’re a team staple) peanut butter powerballs.

There comes a moment in almost every hike when the peak is finally in sight but still a good mile away. It’s time for a proper refuel to get you to the top. Ideally something sweet, but not too much refined sugar. Healthy would be great but you’re sick to death of bananas. That's when to reach for these little bites of energy, that have exactly what it takes to keep your feet moving.

Ingredients: - Medjoul dates (the bigger the better) - Dark chocolate - Peanut butter (we love crunchy at C&S) - Sea salt


  1. Carefully remove the stones from inside each date, making a small slice with a knife along the side. Try not to cut along the whole side.
  2. Once all dates are stone-less, take a small amount of peanut butter (or as much as you want to fill the date with), and use a tea spoon to add it to the centre of the date before closing it back up.
  3. Now for the messy and fun part, chunk your chocolate and either microwave in a bowl or melt over a bain-marie (a bowl placed on top of simmering water).
  4. When the chocolate is fully melted, coat each date in chocolate and place on a plate covered in baking paper to stop them sticking.
  5. When they are all covered, restrain from eating them just yet and sprinkle with sea salt.
  6. Place them in the fridge for at least an hour so the chocolate coating sets.
  7. Now pack in a box or wrap, head outside and let them help you reach the top of that mountain.

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